

2020-11-06 15:43:20 来源:搜狐网

峰会介绍(About GSIC)


Education knows no borders and is globally integrated. With the global prevalence of STEAM education, the cultivation of talents in artificial intelligence based on STEAM education has become the focus of countries all over the world. In order to implement the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Strategy, the United Nations leadership has formulated a United Nations Youth Strategy to fully tap the possibilities of young people as agents of change. In other words, it means to vigorously promote and support the cultivation of young people on a global scale, making them the mainstay of the future society.


At present, under our country's globalization strategy, there is an urgent need for a large number of interdisciplinary talents with core capabilities and professional skills and an international perspective. In the future, the cultivation of scientific and technological talents is an extremely important project in improving the overall strength of the country and responding to the fast-developing technological era. STEAM education, as a comprehensive education model integrating multiple disciplines, has been popularized all over the world and is widely used in the practice of improving the scientific and technological literacy of young people.

为了更快更好地促进国际STEAM教育的发展,提升全社会青少年儿童的科学素养,在联合国教科文组织,以及北美少儿科技教育协会的指导下,2020年,GSIC 全球STEAM教育创新峰会组委会整合全球化资源,发起全球“第二届STEAM教育创新峰会”将于12月15日在中国上海隆重举行。

In order to promote the development of international STEAM education faster and better, and improve the scientific literacy of the youth and children of the whole society, under the guidance of UNESCO and the North American Children’s Science and Technology Education Association, in 2020, the GSIC Global STEAM Education Innovation Summit Organizing Committee Integrating global resources and launching the global "Second STEAM Education Innovation Summit" will be held in Shanghai, China on December 15th.


This summit aims to build a global professional platform for the STEAM education industry, introduce international advanced teaching experience and models, study industry development trends, discuss specific implementation methods, and provide STEAM institutions with valuable references in terms of courses, competitions, teachers, and operations. , Vigorously promote the development of domestic STEAM education. During the global war epidemic in 2020, the second GSCI summit will face such a test. Therefore, the positioning of this summit starts from the perspective of "according to current affairs and promoting support", with the core idea of cohesion and empowerment, integrating global high-quality resources, and providing new ideas and strategies for the rise of my country's STEAM education industry against the trend.

峰会主题 (Theme)


Openness, innovation, integration, transcendence


Openness is an attitude and a necessary pattern for practitioners in the STEAM education industry


Innovation is a way and an important way for the STEAM education industry to move towards higher and newer development goals


Integration is a state and an important manifestation of STEAM education in the process of globalization


Surpassing is a challenge and an important challenge that STEAM education poses to practitioners



UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization


NAYTEA. North American Youth Technology Education Association

主办单位( Sponsor)


Global STEAM Innovation Conference (GSIC) Committee

拟邀嘉宾(Distinguished guest)


专业性 Professional:


Conference with the theme of STEAM education/maker education professional content seminar



The first domestic industry conference focusing on global resources, with guests and audiences from dozens of countries around the world



United Nations ambassador on-site speech, internationally renowned industry experts on-site sharing, domestic STEAM education TOP10 company founders/chief scientists, domestic well-known science and engineering/normal college professors sharing, industry annual awards released, international events on-site grand ceremony

内容创新Content innovation:


Aiming at the pain points of the industry, analyze the shortcomings of courses and teaching, provide high-quality solutions, integrate global high-quality teaching resources, and innovate domestic STEAM education (teaching methods, education)



Participants include STEAM education institutions/school teachers, principals, investors, industry experts, artificial intelligence experts, and social people interested in the STEAM education industry

影响力广Wide influence:


STEAM education TOP companies participate, dozens of domestic and foreign university education/experts share on-site, star teachers sign on-site book sales, hundreds of mainstream print, Internet and TV media actively participate, and authoritative live broadcast platforms support tens of millions of traffic

资源对接Resource docking:


United Nations high-quality project release and docking, steam education globalization research center is now recruiting, international competition on-site final observation and organization docking, global high-quality educational resource project release and signing

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